Business Areas

business scope


Environmental Materials

Haixin produces and sells various functional chemicals, including catalysts and purification agents, and provides related technical services, with its core product lines leading their domestic peers both in quality and technology and some being even better than international brands. Shenyang Sanjukaite Catalyst Co., Ltd., one of the earliest players, has an annual overall production capacity of about 20,000 tons of catalysts. As the leading catalyst producer in China, it has been honored with various titles: the high-tech enterprise in Liaoning, the small tech giant in Shenyang, the model enterprise in energy conservation and emission reduction in Shenyang and the model entity in work safety in Shenyang.

Featured Products

Its products of more than 100 types in four categories: desulfurized catalysts, desulfurized purifying agents, purification products and special catalysts are widely used in industries, such as petroleum refining, petrochemicals, natural gas and natural gas chemicals, coal chemicals, steel, new energy and sewage treatment. In addition, it also offers targeted solutions to help related entities with their clean production and environmental challenges.

While catering to domestic markets, it also provides one-stop desulfurization services through its U.S.-based subsidiary SJE, and has forged long-term cooperation relations with U.S. customers in the energy and oilfield service sector. While holding a stable market share at home, it has also continued to enhance its influence in the U.S. energy market, particularly in western Texas.

© Copyright 2023 Beijing Haixin Energy Technology Co., Ltd. 京ICP备12027506号
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